Website Privacy Info


I am a large supporter of internet privacy and keeping personal info person. I do not collect any information that I do not think is pertinent to have. You can see what information is collected, why, and what it is used for in the following sections. If you have any questions about privacy on feel free to shoot me an email at


I do use cookies on Cookies are useful tools for me to try and make your experience on this website more smooth and impressive. By interactive with this website you are providing your consent for me to use cookies. Below you can see what cookies I set and why.

Cookie What Why
lastPreloadShown A date that is tied to the last time that you saw the mountain animation load when you loaded a web page The animation will only show every two hours, so that if you are switching pages frequently you don't have to watch the animation over and over again

Third-Party Services

Third-party services help improve the website experience by allowing me to provide more without spending all of the time coding it myself, which could take years. See below for what third party services are used on and why they are used.

Third-Party Service Why
Google Analytics Google Analytics allows me to see deidentified user information so I can know what type of people from where are interacting with the website. This information does not include personally identifiable information, and the data is never sold, given, or exchanged with any other party.
Lottie Files Lottie Animation Files came from a lab in Airbnb and allow for seamless and smooth animation on the web, such as the mountain animation you saw the first time you loaded this site.